January 8, 2025

Ancient text analysis is being transformed by AI
AI is on the brink of revolutionizing our comprehension of the ancient world, as it is currently being employed to decode ancient texts. AI is beginning to decode lost languages where barely any traces survive and fill in absent or unreadable characters, ranging from classical Greek and Latin to China’s Oracle Bone Script. The results have unleashed a torrent of new texts, offering scholars access to a greater volume of data than they have had in centuries. Scholars assert that their pattern-recognition capabilities will fundamentally alter the types of questions being posed, in addition to reshaping the study of ancient texts from the pursuit of answers. In fact, a recent test of an AI model named Ithaca restored voids in ancient texts with 62% accuracy, compared to human experts’ 25%. This suggests that we may be on the brink of unlocking vast troves of previously indecipherable historical knowledge.
The Conundrum of One Hundred Billion Dollars: Who owns the rights to the works of artificial intelligence?
Investors are being urged by legal experts to look beyond the scientific gains that artificial intelligence has made and to carefully scrutinize the policies that govern these innovations, which are constantly evolving. The contemporary environment of artificial intelligence is fraught with uncertainty due to the fact that entities such as individual artists, Getty Images, and The New York Times are challenging AI businesses about the utilization of intellectual resources in the training of models. If the courts decide in favor of copyright holders, artificial intelligence companies may be forced to deal with huge cost hikes, which might endanger their profit margins and valuations. In addition, there are a lot of problems that involve intellectual property rights. For example, can novels that are generated by AI be protected by copyright, and can discoveries that are driven by AI be patented? The outcome of these legal battles has the potential to reshape the trajectory of the sector and be the determining factor in determining which players will dominate the field in the years coming.
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